Sunday, December 29, 2019

Axe Taking the Youth of the Nation By Surprise Essay

Axe, has taken the youth of the nation by surprise, and more specifically the males. Axe is a brand of male grooming products that are marketed toward young males. So one would wonder what the problem with that is. Well, of course good hygiene and fresh scents are important to the youth of United State, but at what extent should one go to market that. Axe advertisements have gone so far to even promote the idea that there products help young males attract women. Axe body spray’s ad slogan â€Å"How Dirty Boys Get Clean†, truly has many people wondering what the meaning behind it is. Women in general are objectified and are at the expense of sexism in these ads. This theme was created by Bartle Bogle Hegarty, an advertisement marketer it†¦show more content†¦The crude humor and double entendre the commercial unveils is just obscene for the prime time television market. The commercial begins with â€Å"the host† Denese Sinclaire a attractive brunette, wh o comes onto the set of what looks like a infomercial to advertise an new Axe product. The camera places you in the audience facing the set, in the background there is a huge Axe neon light sign, and a island table in which a series of sport equipment is placed on. Denese introduces Monica Blake who is played by Jaime Pressley. Monica is a former tennis champions. Already you can tell that the commercial is going to be focused on two females, and the brand name is emphasized. As they start introducing the fact that is hard to clean your balls, as Monica Blake holds up a soccer ball. Denese poses a question on â€Å"how can guys clean there balls so they are more enjoyable to play with?† This right here is a line in which can be taken out of context. Two women talking about cleaning balls even though it has to do with sports equipment, one would wonder who cleans there soccer or basketball or tennis balls. She then brings out the product, the â€Å"Axe Detailer†, Monic a makes the statement, â€Å"It cleans your balls†, as the audience starts clapping it switches to a cut-scene of a guy in the audience smiling. This happens a lot throughout the video. It cuts back and forthShow MoreRelatedThe Great Leader Of The Macedonian Empire2306 Words   |  10 Pagesshoot a bow and ride a horse. It was Alexander s following teacher who finally figured out to equate war time like role play to harness the boy’s intellect and aggressive behavior. Alexander’s favorite warrior to role play was Achilles. Eventually taking the throne at age 20. â€Å"I am the flail of God. If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you† -- Genghis Khan. Khan is recorded to be born around 1162 in Mongolia. 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