Monday, February 10, 2020

John Kerry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

John Kerry - Essay Example A decorated navy veteran John is serving his fourth term as a Senator, after winning in 2002. During his two decades of service, he has successfully taken up a range is issues like; Safeguarding the interests of the small business and for providing such businesses a level playing field in view of the cut-throat competition in global economy. His being the chairman of the Senate Small Business Committee came in handy for this matter. Though Sen. John Kerry has been a known figure in national politics since 1971, but it was during the Presidential elections campaign that we could see a multifaceted personality during all of TV shows, debates and election rallies. He started off as a lone ranger, in contrast to the huge hype created around President Bush, but gradually succeeded in picking up the pace solely on the basis of his uncanny ability to address the issues in right perspective. His grasp on foreign affairs has been the key in giving his popularity graph a big boost. Though George W. Bush appears to have an edge as far as mesmerizing the audience is concerned but John Kerry makes his mark amongst the intellectuals. As the campaign progressed, the general public too started taking notice of his able leadership and he was able to put up a tough fight in front of George Bush. In fact John earned the reputation of blooming at the opportune moment when despite being an early favorite for the 2004 Democratic pre sidential nomination, Howard Dean appeared to leave him behind, but Kerry quickly emerged as the frontrunner once the voting began, securing enough delegates for the nomination. Nurturing his constituency: In the national politics Massachusetts has remained overwhelmingly Democratic (Almanac, 2006). The state voted for John Kerry 62%-37% in 2004. George W. Bush could top 40% only in Plymouth County and Cape Cod, and the northeast Boston suburbs in Essex County. Politics in Massachusetts for years has been a kind of culture war between Yankee Republicans and Irish Democrats. With a population of 6,349,097 (Almanac, 2006) and rural-urban composition of 8.6%-91.4%, the state today boasts of almost 100% employment figures. That's indeed a feather in the cap of the officials representing the state. Prosperity of the people in the state is further evident by the rising income levels of the people with majority of the job holders (i.e. 67%) being white collar, while 18.7% hold blue collar and 14.3% hold gray collar jobs. The composition of state is; Ethnic

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