Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Looking Through The Tax Accounting Career - 1594 Words

Looking through the Tax Accounting career. Tax accountants are in charge of individual tax returns, businesses taxes, audits, and other forms of tax record keeping. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), Tax accountants earn an annual mean wage of $56,890. According to an article titled, The Gloomy Future Of The Tax Preparation Industry published by Investopedia, about 30% of filers used a computer program like TurboTax. Nonetheless, Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) are still being needed to file complex returns, such as those from corporations, partnerships, or advances tax returns that computer programs are not able to perform. The minimum educational requirement for a tax accountant entry level job is a bachelor†¦show more content†¦In 1958 his son joined the firm and they changed the name to Padgett Padgett. Through the years two more partners joined the firm, Ray Berend and Padgett Stratemann, and in 1973 the firm changed the firm’s name for the last time, to what we know today, Padgett, Stratemann Co., L.L.P. and moved to the northeast of San Antonio. On the current day the firm offers services of assurance about the quality of information being used, tax, and business consulting services. One unique thing about the firm is that, â€Å"In the early 1970s, Padgett Stratemann became one of the first local firms to focus on a niche strategy to service clients, and construction became the firm’s first niche. Today, the firm services more than 15 industry niches† (Padgett Stratemann website). Some of the industries they serve today are construction, energy, entertainment, financial services, healthcare, real state, life sciences, and Tax-Exempt Organizations. Although the paper work might be the same for every industry, the language and consultations vary depending on the industry and Padgett Stratemann knows this: Different industries have different requirements. That’s why we have structured our business into industry-specific teams so the professionals working with you are able to speak your language, and are well-versed in your line of work. We strive to be at the fore-front of each industry we serve and to provide the insight and expertise you need to meet your business goals (Padgett Stratemann

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